Fire Safety and Protection
Nearly 3400 people died in 2002 by house fires. Of those fires 2 out of 3 houses had missing or not working smoke detectors.
Here are some ways to prevent and protect your house from fire:
Replace the batteries in the smoke detectors every year. Many suggest that day-light savings weekend is the perfect time to change the batteries as you change the time on the clock.
Purchase a fire extinguisher. A residential fire extinguisher does not cost a lot of money and can be a life saver.
Have an escape plan. The same weekend that you change the batteries in the smoke detectors, have a family meeting to go over an escape plan. Discuss the best route of escape and where everyone will meet after exiting the house. Make sure everyone understands never to go back into the house for anything.
To prevent a fire...
- Store matches and lighters out of children's reach and sight, preferably in a locked cabinet.
- Teach toddlers to tell you when they find a match or a lighter.
- Never overload curcuits or extension cords.
- Portable heaters need their space. Keep anything combustible at least three feet away.
- Keep fire in the fireplace. Use fire screens and have your chimney cleaned annually. The creosote buildup can ignite a chimney fire that could easily spread.
Did you know that nearly 80% of the United States fire service is volunteer? They need your help! Contact your local fire department or call 1-800-FIRE-LINE.
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